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Chicago Citation Guide (17th Edition): Book Reviews

Books with Editors in Place of Authors

Some books have an editor or editors in place of an author. For editors, include the abbreviation ed. following the editor's name (or eds. for more than one editor). However, this abbreviation is not included in shortened footnotes.


Dana Claxton, ed. 

Claxton, Dana, ed. 

Dana Claxton and Ezra Winton, eds.

Claxton, Dana, and Ezra Winton, eds.

Book Review - in a Journal


1. Reviewer's First Name Last Name, "Title of Review [if any]," review of Title of Book: Subtitle if Any, by Book Author/Editor's First Name Last Name, Name of Journal in which review appears Volume Number, no. Issue Number (Date of Publication): Page Number of Exact Citation, Number or Name of Database.

Bibliography Entry:

Reviewer's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Review [if any]." Review of Title of Book: Subtitle if Any, by Book Author/Editor's First Name Last Name. Name of Journal in which review appears Volume Number, no. Issue Number (Date of Publication): First Page Number of Article-Last Page Number of Article. Number or Name of Database.

This citation format is for book reviews found in a journal from a library database. For other types of journals (e.g. in print or from a website), begin the citation as shown above, up to and including the book author's name. Then complete the citation starting at Name of Journal using the appropriate citation format as shown on the Journal Articles section of the Chicago Citation Guide.

Footnote Example

1. Tanya Khovanova, review of Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality, by Edward Frenkel, The College Mathematics Journal 45, no. 3 (May 2014): 230,

Shortened Footnote Example

2. Khovanova, review of Love and Math, 231. 

Bibliography Entry Example

Khovanova, Tanya. Review of Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality, by Edward Frenkel. The College Mathematics Journal 45, no. 3 (May 2014): 230-231.

Book Review - in a Magazine


1. Reviewer's First Name Last Name, "Title of Review [if any]," review of Title of Book: Subtitle if Any, by Book Author/Editor's First Name Last Name, Name of Magazine, Date of Publication, Page Number of Exact Citation, Number or Name of Database.

Bibliography Entry:

Reviewer's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Review [if any]." Review of Title of Book: Subtitle if Any, by Book Author/Editor's First Name Last Name. Name of Magazine, Date of Publication. Number or Name of Database.

This citation format is for book reviews found in a magazine from a library database. For other types of magazines (e.g. in print or from a website), begin the citation as shown above, up to and including the book author's name. Then complete the citation starting at Name of Magazine using the appropriate citation format as shown on the Magazine Articles section of the Chicago Citation Guide.

Footnote Example

1. Annabel Gutterman, review of My Broken Language, by Quiara Alegría Hudes, Time Magazine, April 12, 2021, 99, MAS Ultra - School Edition.

Shortened Footnote Example

2. Gutterman, review of Broken Language, 99.

Bibliography Entry Example

Annabel Gutterman. Review of My Broken Language, by Quiara Alegría Hudes. Time Magazine, April 12, 2021. MAS Ultra - School Edition.

Book Review - on a Website


1. Reviewer's First Name Last Name, "Title of Review [if any]," review of Title of Book: Subtitle if Any, by Book Author/Editor's First Name Last Name, Title of Website, Name of Owner or Sponsor of the Website [if different from Title of Website], Date of copyright or modification or access, URL. 

Bibliography Entry:

Reviewer's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Review [if any]." Review of Title of Book: Subtitle if Any, by Book Author/Editor's First Name Last Name. Title of Website. Name of Owner or Sponsor of the Website [if different from Title of Website]. Date of copyright or modification or access. URL.

Footnote Example

1. Ron Elving, "Former President Obama Tells His Story His Way — And Makes His Case For History," review of A Promised Land, by Barack Obama, NPR, November 12, 2020, 

Shortened Footnote Example

2. Elving, "Former President Obama."

Bibliography Entry Example

Elving, Ron. "Former President Obama Tells His Story His Way — And Makes His Case For History." Review of A Promised Land, by Barack Obama. NPR. November 12, 2020.