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ARTH 100 (History of Art) Course Guide: Find Articles

This guide will help you find books, articles, and websites on art history. The guide was created to support students in Art 100.

Scholarly Articles

You can use the library website's Main Library Search to find academic articles. Type in the name of your artist, artwork, or related terms (artistic movement, place, time period, etc.). Once your results page opens you can use the filter under the search bar to search "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" only.

You can also search specific databases, which will give you fewer results but are often more focused so you don't have to hunt through lots of unrelated results. The three best databases for Art research are listed below.

Useful Databases

Has your instructor told you to use the library's databases to find sources for your paper?

Our databases provide you with access to thousands of articles from scholarly journals, magazines and newspapers. 

NEIU Ronald Williams Library. (2013, Sep 17). What are the library databases and which one should I use? [Video file]. Retrieved from