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Plagiarism Resources: Home

Study resources to help you avoid plagiarism


This page no longer supports a web tutorial on avoiding plagiarism.

If you are a student at Columbia College, please ask your instructor about access to the Moodle lesson.

Instructors and librarians from other institutions are welcome to copy and re-use the material from our archived lesson, linked below.

Please contact if you have questions.

Plagiarism and Cheating

Columbia College's Plagiarism and Cheating Policy states: 

"Plagiarism (the presentation of another’s words, ideas, or creations as one’s own) is regarded as a serious offence at Columbia College. Associated dishonest practices include cheating, the faking or falsification of data, and the uttering of false statements in order to obtain unjustified concessions." 

Understanding and avoiding plagiarism is critical for your education.  As a student at Columbia College, you are expected to submit original work and provide citations when you use other people's words or ideas. 

Plagiarism and cheating can result in:

  1. Getting zero on the assignment
  2. Failing the course
  3. Suspension or expulsion 

How to Avoid It

The resources in this guide will introduce you to plagiarism and help you complete the Avoiding Plagiarism lesson in Moodle.  After completing the lesson, you'll be able to confidently:

  • Define plagiarism and recognize the different types 

  • Understand why it's important to avoid plagiarism

  • Develop skills to help you avoid plagiarism

  • Understand academic integrity and your responsibilities as a student