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Columbia College (BC)
Business 250 (Intro to Marketing) Course Guide
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Business 250 (Intro to Marketing) Course Guide: Websites
This guide will help you with Business 250: Introduction to Marketing.
Using Sources
Citing Sources
Create A Marketing Plan (Wikihow)
An overview of the marketing plan process to help you get started.
Marketing Teacher
A free online resource with tutorials and information on different aspects of marketing.
Consumer Psychologist
A website from the University of Southern California dedicated to understanding consumers and consumer behaviour.
Canadian Marketing Association
Professional association that also publishes regular blog posts and reports on aspects of marketing.
BC Chapter, American Marketing Association
Organization for marketing professionals.
Small Business BC
Small Business BC is a non-profit organization that provides services, advice, and education to small business owners in BC.
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Provides up-to-date information to small business owners on regulatory and legal issues for Canadian businesses.
The Visual Capitalist
Data-driven visualizations of different trends and issues in business and the economy.
Province of British Columbia Business Statistics
Data on businesses and industries in the province, including small businesses, trade, and employer information.
Research and Business Intelligence
Industry sector data, financial benchmarks, labour trends and business statistics from the Government of Canada.
United Nations Trade Data
Statistics on international trade.
Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development
The OECD provides data on different sectors and economic indicators for the major countries of the world.
World Bank Data Visualizations
Graphs and charts on world trade that use the World Bank's data and software.
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