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Citation: 4. APA / MLA Smackdown


Below are two citations for the same article: one is in MLA style, the other in APA style.  Compare the two styles carefully and answer the questions in the worksheet.

MLA Citation

Elmasry, Mohamad Hamas, and Mohammed el-Nawawy. “Do Black Lives Matter?” Journalism Practice, vol. 11, no. 7, Sept. 2017, pp. 857–875. EBSCOhost,              doi:10.1080/17512786.2016.1208058.

APA Citation

Elmasry, M. H., & el-Nawawy, M. (2017). Do Black Lives Matter? Journalism Practice, 11(7), 857–875.

Worksheet: Compare Two Citation Styles

In-text Citation

The styles for in-text citation in MLA and APA are also different.  Here is an example:

In-Text Citation: MLA Style

“The problem of police brutality also dovetails with other social problems affecting African Americans, including poverty, a basic lack of resources in many inner cities, and the ever-increasing American wealth gap, which disproportionately affects African Americans” (Elmasry and el-Nawawy 871).

Excessive police force, as well social and economic inequalities, are more likely to effect African Americans than others (Elmasry and el-Nawawy 871).

In-Text Citation: APA Style

“The problem of police brutality also dovetails with other social problems affecting African Americans, including poverty, a basic lack of resources in many inner cities, and the ever-increasing American wealth gap, which disproportionately affects African Americans” (Elmasry & el-Nawawy, 2017, p. 871).

Excessive police force, as well social and economic inequalities, are more likely to effect African Americans than others (Elmasry & el-Nawawy, 2017).

Notice that in MLA style you cite just the author(s) name(s) and the page number, where in APA the date is always included, and punctuation is different.  Also note that in MLA style the in-text citation is the same for both the quotation and the paraphrase, while APA style does not require the page number when paraphrasing (but it does when quoting).